Новости Перми за Апрель 2015

9 апреля, 12:52
Each year sees more Perm citizens joining Earth Hour

The event is held worldwide annually on the last Saturday in March. According to the Department for Ecology and the Use of Natural Resources, approximately 100 households as well as large enterprises and organizations were reported to have participated in Earth Hour 2015.

To save natural resources of Earth, Perm citizens turned off their non-essential lights and domestic electric appliances for one hour. External lighting on large enterprises, organizations and monuments was turned off as well. Earth Hour has garnered support from Perm Department of the Russian Ministry of Interior, Perm National Research Polytechnical University, Lukoil-Perm, TGK-9 and other businesses and organizations including Perm City Administration that turned off the external lightning on its main building on Lenina Street. These organizations have been regular participants of this event.

This year saw a greater number of participants: Perm Engine Company, West-Ural Bank of Sberbank of Russia and Perm local gas distribution company “Gazprom transgaz Tchaikovsky” joined the event. The external lighting on major city landmarks and monuments was turned off and hundreds of households shut off their lights for 60 minutes.

–By participating in this event we promote a resource-saving lifestyle. We expect a more conscious use of electricity, water, heat and gas to become part of our daily lives. We hope that the event will engage more and more participants each year, – said Lev Tretyakov, Deputy Head of the Department for Ecology and the Use of Natural Resources.   

According to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Protection of the Russian Federation, Earth Hour 2015 saw participation from more than 20 million people from over one hundred cities and smaller towns as well as some nature reserves and national parks.

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